ChokladbollarTravel with AlaineMay 03, 2019chokladbollens dag, chocolate balls, Swedish fika event, Fika cafe Singapore, chocolate events, Ebbas fik, chokladbollar book, Swedish chocolate balls, chokladbollens tävling, chocolate eating contest, chokladbollar, milk chocolate ball, white chocolate ball, dark chocolate ball, Helsingborg events, Singapore events2 Comments Chokladbollens Dag on May 11 ChokladbollarTravel with AlaineMay 03, 2019chokladbollens dag, chocolate balls, Swedish fika event, Fika cafe Singapore, chocolate events, Ebbas fik, chokladbollar book, Swedish chocolate balls, chokladbollens tävling, chocolate eating contest, chokladbollar, milk chocolate ball, white chocolate ball, dark chocolate ball, Helsingborg events, Singapore events2 Comments